HOmemade mozzarella
How to make fresh homemade mozzarella…kinda!
1 gallon of milk (local, raw or pasteurized. NOT ultra pasteurized)
Ricki’s Homemade Mozzarella and Ricotta Kit
Follow the instructions in the kit. Note what I learned below so you don’t have to.
Fresh mozzarella is a delicate process! Every step requires a gentle and gradual approach: heat up and stir slowly! DO NOT STIRR VIGOROUSLY!
When pouring in the rennet, you only have 20-30 seconds to stir before the giant curd starts to form. I stirred for an extra minute, disrupting the process and preventing the cheese from becoming as stretchy.
Do NOT use Ultra Pasteurized milk! Use Local, Raw or Pasteurized.
Maybe don’t do the microwave method?!
Pairs nicely with Dunkin’ iced coffee
Good luck!!
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I had to record this 2x because the first time was a major FAIL! Both vids are below!