HOmemade mozzarella

How to make fresh homemade mozzarella…kinda!


1 gallon of milk (local, raw or pasteurized. NOT ultra pasteurized)
Ricki’s Homemade Mozzarella and Ricotta Kit

Follow the instructions in the kit. Note what I learned below so you don’t have to.

  • Fresh mozzarella is a delicate process! Every step requires a gentle and gradual approach: heat up and stir slowly! DO NOT STIRR VIGOROUSLY!

  • When pouring in the rennet, you only have 20-30 seconds to stir before the giant curd starts to form. I stirred for an extra minute, disrupting the process and preventing the cheese from becoming as stretchy.

  • Do NOT use Ultra Pasteurized milk! Use Local, Raw or Pasteurized.

  • Maybe don’t do the microwave method?!

  • Pairs nicely with Dunkin’ iced coffee  

Good luck!!


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I had to record this 2x because the first time was a major FAIL! Both vids are below!